What People Are Saying

Our Happy Clients! 🙂

Our Business Simulation Games drive learning workshops that empower multiple dimensions of your teams.

Workshops Conducted

People Trained

Avg. Impact Rating

Loved the energy and the game design. It was a fun way to learn and spend time online.”

– Sudarsan Ravi (CEO, RippleHire)

“2 hours of fun ! The uncertainty and pressure in the game converts to fun instantly.”

– Vatsal Sanghavi (Director, P2S)

“As usual it was a brilliant learning experience! Knowledge comes to you and you don’t even realise it! It’s amazing!”

– Yukti P. (Game Designer)

“Session invigorated the group. Some valuable learning points. I was really excited with the analytics and strategy required for bidding.”

– Chiranjeet Rege (CEO, SILICA)

“Wonderful. It had everything that a person normally faces during work life. Situation is never the same every day.”

– Jaswant Kaur (Executive Director, Deepalaya )

“Awesome MDP from Devendra Naik, with a real life experience thru an adeptly and aptly made game, an experiential learning, a MUST for all professional managers in NGOs.”

– Dr Ravi S Kumar(NGO Leader)

“Amazing experience, didn’t know that gaming could give so many insights. Definitely taking many things back in my business, finances and sales targets.”

– Bhushan Patil (Founder, Avega)

“Very enjoyable. A mirror that reflected / amplified a few critical mental blocks / blind spots that we entrepreneurs have.”

– Archisman Mozumder (Entrepreneur )

“Good understanding on Negotiation Skills & Attributes to look at before starting any nego.”

– Kunal Shah (Sr. Manager, Titan Pharma )

“Felt very engaging, the gameplay along with the spiritual part was well stitched, very well done.”

– Saran S. (Designer)

“Was thrilling and very engrossing!”

– Dr. Pranati P. (Director, SmileCare)

“Amazing interactive & engaging session:) “

– Kavitha Talreja (Founder, Learning Ethos)

Let’s Simulate Together!

Join us with your team for a high-energy business simulation-driven workshop. You can get in touch with us and share the challenges you are facing in your organization and we can recommend as well as customize business simulations as per your requirement.

